Hello from Oregon!

Here are some pictures of us so you can see what we look like these days. I've also included a picture of Dennis, Judy, and Larry so you can see them as well. Click on any of the pictures to see a larger version, most of them are about 800x600, although some are smaller. At the bottom is a link to download the entire set of pictures in one ZIP file.

For more pictures, you may want to check out these pictures from when Jason, Ruth, Mark, Leah and Larry all went to the beach. There are also more pictures of Brendan and the Bekowies family at this site here. And for convenient reference, here are e-mail addresses for all of us (except Leah, who doesn't have one yet):

Brendan Bekowies


Jason Lewis


Larry Lewis


Mark Jaeger


Nancy Lewis


Ruth Lewis


Here we are, minus Mark, and plus Brendan (who was visiting us from his home in Brooklyn, NY). From left to right, we are Brendan, Ruth, Leah, Nancy, Jason.

Brendan, Leah, Nancy, Ruth, Jason.

Here's a little picture of Jason taken using his little webcam.

Here's Jason getting some new slippers for Christmas.

Jason and Leah playing around

Mark and Leah sitting on some driftlogs at the beach.

Nancy and Leah having a good time at the Oregon Country Fair.

Mark and a family friend talking at a backyard party.

Mark and his mother, whose name I can't recall right now.

Leah and Nancy having a good time watching TV.

Ruth and Leah at home.

Ruth and Leah walking along a rocky section of the beach.

Leah coloring a picture on her first day of school.

A cute close-up of Leah, I think she was about 4 when this was taken.

Dennis, Judy and Larry.

Ruth dressed up for Christmas.